Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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176 lines
QUATRIS PRO Copyright (C) 1990 by Eugene Ignatius Kim.
Copyright (C) 1990 by Citadel Corporation.
QUATRIS PRO, 1st Place Winner of 1990 Rockwell International
Computer Science Competition (LAUSD).
QUATRIS PRO was actually used to help the rehabilitation of
brain-injured patients.
This is a PD version of QUATRIS PRO. Levels are limited to
only 1 to 3 in this version. If you like this program and would
like to have full capabilities of the program, please purchase a
commercial version of QUATRIS PRO by filling out the form at the
end of this file.
The commercial version of QUATRIS PRO may not be duplicated other
than for backup purposes. Bulletin Board System operators may post
the this PD version of QUATRIS PRO on their BBS for download-
ing by their users without written permission.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REGISTRATION/ORDERING INFORMATION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
When you register, you will receive the latest version of QUATRIS
PRO. The registration fee is only $15.95. Source codes in Turbo
Pascal 5.5 are also available for additional $39.95.
To place an order, please send all checks and money orders to :
Eugene Kim
4157 W 5th STE 222
Los Angeles CA 90020
Sorry, we do not receive credit card orders.
If you have any questions regarding this product, please call
our BBS and leave us a message :
CITADEL BBS - Prog. Paradise BBS
(818) 701-7465
Open 24 hrs.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< QUATRIS PRO - Source Code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
QUATRIS PRO source codes can be obtained by an additional $39.95.
You will receive source codes written in Turbo Pascal 5.5.
All TP unit source codes are included except for two unit in
order to avoid some people taking advantage of the source
and misusing it. For those two excluded units, you will still
receive a .TPU file of that unit so you will still be able to
make changes and compile/run the game in your compiler.
When you purchase the source code, you will receive the
following files :
(* Units *)
SaveImg, { Save/Load graphics images. }
Hamster, { Mouse Unit in OOP (Object Oriented) }
DatEntry, { Data entry in Text }
ReadFont, { DATA entry + misc in Graphics }
KeyData, { Needed to run ReadFont Unit }
Muzix; { Special sound effects, timer, music Unit }
UserScr, { Read user information in Quatris Pro }
ScoreB, { Save, Load, Sort Scores for Quatris Pro }
Drivers, { Link BGI files into the program }
Fonts, { Link CHR files into the program }
FWindow2, { Graphics Window Unit - ONLY TPU FILE INCLUDED }
Weapon, { Sound Effect Unit - ONLY TPU FILE INCLUDED }
(* Primary file and include files *)
{$I QrisPro.PAS} { <-- Quatris Pro program }
{$I QInitI.PAS } { <-- Initialization in Quatris Pro }
{$I QShapeI.PAS} { <-- Define all shapes in Quatris Pro }
{$I QUtilI.PAS } { <-- Utilities used in Quatris Pro }
{$I DLevelI.PAS} { <-- Defines properties for each level }
{$I QRobotI.PAS} { <-- Procedures for controlling robot }
- U P G R A D E -
All owners of Quatris AND Quatris Pro (any version,
Quatris 1.0 and up...) can upgrade to Quatris Pro 2.0
for free.
Shipping & Handling + Disk ... $5.00 (TAX included).
DISK - (Please specify if different from previous ordering
____ 5.4" (360 K - The big flat one))
____ 3.5" (720 K - Recommended for transportation)
Name : ____________________, ________________________________
Mailing Address : ___________________________________________
Comments : __________________________________________________
- C I T A D E L -
QUATRIS PRO - Math Edition Invoice
Quantity Item Price
___ QUATRIS PRO Registration............ $15.95 ea $________
___ QUATRIS PRO Source Code (TP5.5)..... $39.95 $________
(You must read "Quatris Pro Source Code"
section in this document first! Two
units only include TPU files.)
Shipping & Handling + Disks......... $5.00 $________
TAX (6.5%)......................... $________
(** California Residents Only. **)
TOTAL $________
DISK - (Check only one)
____ 5.4" (360 K - The big flat one)
____ 3.5" (720 K - Recommended for transportation)
( Start collecting CITADEL games! )
Check, or money order payments accepted.
Last : _________________ First : ________________ Middle : _____
Mailing Address : _____________________________________________
Country :__________
*** *** If out of US, please send a remittance check. *** ***
Where did you hear of or obtain QUATRIS PRO?
What kind of display do you have? ( Check one )
* EGA ___ * VGA ___ * Super VGA ___ * Other ____________
Your Phone Number : ( ) -
Comments : ______________________________________________________